Whale Song: Molecular Media Matters
Whale of a vocalist
MalreDeszik’s Ocean Dream drum sample has a groove. The male whale has a groove. Whale & Drums music was a logical step.
The commentary delivered the notions that molecular media matters to whale song transmission as does acoustic properties of ocean basins. Tell the world.
For color additional Ocean Dream samples were used. Synth hits use two or more of these samples: Cetacean Meditation synth chord (pitched to D), Cetacean Meditation pad, Singing Bowl (a piece that was just a single D note) and a Syntronik 2 bass synth note. Apoxode takes the mix underwater at the first bell.
MalreDeszik’s Ocean Dream drum sample has a groove. The male whale has a groove. Whale & Drums music was a logical step.
The commentary delivered the notions that molecular media matters to whale song transmission as does acoustic properties of ocean basins. Tell the world.
For color additional Ocean Dream samples were used. Synth hits use two or more of these samples: Cetacean Meditation synth chord (pitched to D), Cetacean Meditation pad, Singing Bowl (a piece that was just a single D note) and a Syntronik 2 bass synth note. Apoxode takes the mix underwater at the first bell.